Chromato letter

CD: Megumi Kajiwara, Hiroyuki Nate, Tatsuhiko Niijima, Yuuki Nishimura, Aiko Baba, Kouki Hoshi
D: Megumi Kajiwara





Chromatography is a method of separating the components of a substance. At first glance, even one substance is actually mixed with various ingredients. For example, purple paint is a mixture of blue and red. Blue paint and red paint are different substances, so they have different properties, such as being easy to dissolve in water and sticking to paper. It is the principle of chromatography that separates using this difference in properties. It is said that "Chromatography" was named after "Chroma" which means "color" and "Graphos" which means "record" in Greek.



梶原恵、名手宏之、新島龍彦、西村祐貴、馬場愛子、星功基というメンバーで、「CHROMATO LETTER」というワークショップを行い、その際に使用する遊び方の説明書を制作しました。成分分離という理科の実験を、より感覚的に、ビジュアルで楽しく理解することが出来るよう心がけました。

Megumi Kajiwara, Hiroyuki Nate, Tatsuhiko Niijima, Yuuki Nishimura, Aiko Baba, and Koki Hoshi performed a workshop called "CHROMATO LETTER", and produced instruction manuals on how to use them. The graphic was created so that the science experiment of component separation can be understood visually.