AD: Megumi Kajiwara
Class: Tama Art University×Dentsu


デザイニング・エモーショナルゼミでは、産学協同プロジェクトとして「PaPaCo Design Project」を行いました。パパとこどものコミュニケーションをより豊かにするためのモノとコトのデザインです。パパとこどもの間だからこそ起こることを自分の経験を踏まえて探求し、その関係をより深めたり、より意味のあるものにするためのコミュニケーションツールのデザインに取り組みました。

Dad and child relationship design In the third year of university, at the Designing Emotional Seminar, we conducted the “PaPaCo Design Project” as a collaborative project between industry and academia. It is a design of things and things to enrich communication with fathers and children. I explored what happened between my dad and my child and worked on designing communication tools to deepen the relationship and make it more meaningful.


1 / 2CARD is a work in which a motif is printed on a postcard half by two, and two people draw a picture on it and connect the cards together to complete one picture. Even with the same motif, the way they look and perceive is different. This card offers a special experience that connects Dad and the world of children.


There are various types of cards, from the ones where you can draw freely, such as the sea and the fields, to the cakes and bouquets, which draw with your attention, and the abstract motifs such as circles and squares.Also, since the back side is a post card, it can be sent by ordinary mail.


The concept of this work is the most memorable painting confrontation of my childhood experience with my father. The motifs were the same, but my father and I felt different perspectives and perceptions. The above picture is a work actually drawn by a boy and his father. Daddy painted the sun, boy painted the starry sky. The two worlds were connected in a mysterious way.